Band of sisters

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Piggly Wiggly

I think it shows how tragic my life is that the high point of my life was winning a free muffin because I knew what a Piggly Wiggly was an early example of.* The coffee shop I walk past most mornings has trivia questions in its windows and this week I actually knew one.

In other news I also had an interview for a company that I would really like to work for, but the date for hearing good news has come and gone. In knitting news I am proceeding on the latest project with the bigger needles and that seems to be working out better. With the completed bolero I am debating what to do. I like the way the beaded band turned out, but it just that bit too big. I'm wondering if I can shrink it just a little bit.

*Piggly Wiggly was the name of the first supermarkets (self-service as opposed to having the grocer dish everything out for you).


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