Band of sisters

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Drinking Games

Instead of doing the job applications I should have been working on I was reading other knitting blogs and came across this link to the Knitting Blog Drinking Game. Even though I've only just started this blog and this is only my second knitting entry readers would already had to have one drink.
Apologizes that there are no photos for “technical” reasons (dead batteries, missing camera cable, etc.).

Actually I probably earn another drink for the way I started today's entry.
Starts a post with “I really should be doing ____, but I’m blogging instead”.

I must agree that the game creater has captured most of the blog cliches I've noticed. I would be wasted if I had alcohol near me while I was doing my blog reading. However, I do think alcohol goes well with knitting, but then the Stitch n Bitch group I attend most regularly meets at a pub. If you're in Sydney come and join us one evening. My sister who lives on the other side of the country, went to a SnB that met at a coffeeshop, but she agrees that a beer or a glass of wine would add that little bit extra.

Still working on my niece's cardy, and my bolero.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Band's of sisters

After coming up with my blog name, I googled the term 'Band of sisters' and found a lot of results. They were all very positive and interesting, women protesting the Iraq war, sisters searching for an answer for their brother's death at the hand of the IRA, references to Amazons and Women in the IT industry. However, I think my favourite was the one from Little Women. I think I will have to read this book about four very different sisters again.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Some Knitting content

Well, since it is supposed to be at least partially a knitting blog, here is some knitting information. I am going to cheat to show a photo of a recently finished object by copying a photo from Rebecca's blog. Rebecca took this photo of me at a SnB evening. It is made from Katia Mississippi, a cotton blend, from a 'Sandra' magazine pattern.

I am currently knitting two new projects. One is a cardigan for my eldest niece. I am using a basic kids cardigan pattern but adding some flowers as border pattern. V. cute! The other is a bolero type top for myself. I have started with the body shape from the 1000 sweaters book, but as the suggested band is in boring moss stitch I have had to tart it up. It is now a beaded band with lace edging. To incorporate the same edging into the sleeves, I will use the wrist bands sideways, and pick up the main stictches along the side edge. (Thanks Meg!) I took a photo of the band to show the detail, but when I connect the camera to the computer it has a hissy fit, so that will have to be provided at a later date.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

A beginning....

Well, I have decided to start a blog. After reading so many I am jumping in and starting one of my own. The ones I read are primarily knitting and feminist blogs, where I have noticed there is a lot of overlap. The blog name incorporates these interests as well. Apart from the obvious inspiration from the phrase 'band of brothers', I am interpreting band to include the band around a ball of yarn, the bands for the wrists and waist as knitted on jumpers, etc. Sisters come from my interest in women's issues. In the past I have been involved with groups such as Women in Engineering and Women in Management. I am currently a member of Zonta, which raises money for issues affecting women. Finally the sisters influence comes from my own family; I have three younger sisters.